2021 Annual Report
MakerGirl had an incredible year!
Download our annual report & read all about it.
As we wrap up 2021, we’re so excited to show how much we have been able to accomplish on our journey to educating 10,000 girls by 2023.
Download our annual report to discover all we have to celebrate, including:
New MakerGirl Programs
The MakerGirl Journey Map
Milestones & Notable Numbers
Major Announcements and More!
Find out how we’re doing our part to create the next generation of future female leaders!
“Last year we were able to transition our curriculum virtually, this year we have made even greater strides in our programming, launching the MakerGirl Journey. With the help of our growing team, MakerGirl is redefining what it means to be a “maker.” We are here not only to be a touchpoint for girls to be introduced to STEM, but to support them along their entire journey from elementary to college — and then into the workforce! We see this as the next stage of MakerGirl and how we can do our part to create the next generation of future female leaders! ”