Welcome Girls4Science Parents!

We are so excited to meet your MakerGirl!


On February 11th & 18th in Chicago, Illinois MakerGirl will conduct a two day version of our latest Level 3: Project Engineers curriculum. Join us for two days of Engineering & Entrepreneurship learning & creating! 

Learn more about the program:

This project-based curriculum is geared specifically towards 11-14 year old students. This program builds upon the technical skills taught in our MakerGirl existing programs, Levels 1: Future Makers, and Level 2: Inventive Minds.

Project Engineers combines 3D printing and entrepreneurship curriculum at the forefront of STEM education with the goal of creating confident and curious self-starters. Students work in teams to ideate, design, create, and pitch a new product or invention using 3D printing and other cutting edge technologies.

Session Location:

Olive Harvey College

10001 S Woodlawn Ave, Chicago, IL 60628