Welcome Ursuline Academy St. Louis Parents!

We are so excited to meet your MakerGirl!

What happens in a MakerGirl Session?

Level 1 - Future Makers (2 hours, live and in-person)

  • Introduction to 3D printing and how it can be used in different industries

  • Introduction to computer-aided design (CAD)

  • Learn about famous women in STEM

  • See 3D printing in action

  • Students can present what they created to the class

Session Theme & Date:

Passion for Fashion - Saturday April 15th

Session Location:

Ursuline Academy Saint Louis
341 S. Sappington Rd
St. Louis, MO 63122

Parents & guardians, MakerGirl is partnering with Ursuline St. Louis to provide two sessions as a part of STEM Day! One session is at 10:00 am CT and the second at 1:00 pm CT.

At the start of STEM Day, Ursuline Saint Louis staff will assign students to one of the two MakerGirl sessions. Please note if you are interested in having your child participate in a MakerGirl session, you will need to complete the registration linked above.

Ursuline Saint Louis and MakerGirl supervision will be present during the entire session.